
Dr. Lorre with Lance A. Slatton on All Home Care Matters

Tune into this powerful conversation with Dr. Lorre and All Home Care Matters’ Lance A. Slatton discussing how occupational or nurse-specific trauma is frequently misattributed to “just burnout” or “resilience challenges”.

Discover the silent epidemic that is affecting millions of nurses and home health professionals and what you can do to prevent or address it today!

Special Invitation for All Home Care Matters Friends​

Join Dr. Lorre’s Home Health Community and receive a FREE chapter from her international best selling book, Nursing Our Healer’s Heart!
Learn how you can prevent and heal from occupational-related trauma and THRIVE in your professional role, even if you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or burned out.
We. Got. You. 💯

Dr. Lorre Supports Home Health Professionals

Dr. Lorre wholeheartedly supports all home health professionals and those who are receiving their services in the community. Her PhD dissertation centered on developing a clinical framework to bring evidence-based transition of care services to stroke survivors and their loved ones in the community.  Dr. Lorre’s eldest daughter serves as a home hospice nurse.  This interview hits home for us all.

Dr. Lorre, like Lance A. Slatton of All Home Care Matters, knows that healing, recovery, and wellbeing starts at home.  Dr. Lorre is thrilled to partner with All Home Care Matters to ensure that home health professionals receive the tools, resources, and support that they need to thrive in their roles.

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