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Dr. Lorre and Lindsey Shelton @scrubhacks unpack everything you need to know about the Code Brown Silent Epidemic 💩 that is driving millions of nurses worldwide from the profession.
Spoiler Alert – it’s not “just burnout” or “resilience challenges”. It’s avoidable nurse-specific traumatization.
Click below to snag your copy of my international best selling book “Nursing Our Healer’s Heart” today.
Listen the Episode:
What’s Your Nurse-Specific Trauma Indicator Type?
Is Nurse Specific Trauma Wreaking Havoc in YOUR Life?
Take This FREE 5-Question Assessment!
Nursing Our Healer's Heart A Recovery Guide for Nurse Trauma & Burnout
Are you suffering from nurse-specific trauma?
What do your burnout symptoms really mean?
Find out what you can do to prevent nurse trauma and start your healing journey today.
Drop your contact info to be entered into a raffle for a FREE scholarship to The Haelan Academy – a nonprofit that offers a 12-week Prevent & Heal Nurse-Specific Trauma Program for individuals and hospitals.